Health & Fitness


Health & Fitness

Stay healthy by taking a class, hiking outdoors or walking on our indoor track, or playing a sport like tennis, volleyball, soccer and more!  Or, work out with a personal trainer or on your own at one of our FOUR fitness centers. Lose weight, get fit, or just get the blood pumping, we have options for everyone regardless of age or fitness level.


Get Fit Passes
Offering great value, a Get Fit pass gets you access to all 4 centers - amenities vary by location so check out all the options for weight rooms, tracks, gymnasiums and more!

Couple working out on stationery bicycles

Your annual DRD Get Fit Pass provides entry to DRD Fitness Centers and facilities in La QuintaPalm DesertNorth Shore and Indio. One swipe gives you access to all four centers, including fitness equipment, weight rooms, tracks and gymnasiums.

The cost for the annual pass is: