Swim & Water Programs
Grade School Swim Classes – Penguins (1 &2), Stingrays, Barracudas, Sharks
Swimming is an excellent way to stay fit and active, and we offer five levels of classes for youth, based on age and swimming ability.
Penguins 1 & 2: Get children with little or no swimming experience started with the basics. Water safety, floating, kicks, arm action and use of legs introduce kids to this terrific sport. Penguins 1, ages 6 ½ – 12 Years Old. Penguins 2, ages 8 – 12 Years Old.
Lifeguard Pre-Qualification & Training Courses
Prepare to recognize and respond quickly and effectively to emergencies and prevent drowning and injuries.
Lifeguard Pre-Qualification - 1. Swim 300 yards continuously demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing. 2. Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs. 3. Object retrieval is a timed swim event with a surface dive to retrieve a 10lb object then return to the start point in 1 minute and 40 seconds.
Lap Swim
Competition lanes are open to guests to enjoy some time in the water swimming and getting exercise outdoors even when the weather is hot.
Please click here for locations and hours of Lap Swim.
Open Swim
Our Open Swim sessions are a great time for kids to practice swim lessons, for moms and dads to join the kids for some recreation and fun, or for individuals to relax and refresh in the pool!
Please click here to see the locations and hours of Open Swim at our various pools.
Complete the online form to rent one of our pools
Complete the form here to rent one of our pools; if you need any
assistance, please call 760-347-3484.
For information regarding rental costs go the link below
and read the Current Rental Guides PDF.
We have five aquatic locations throughout the valley!
78-107 Avenue 52, La Quinta
(760) 771-4347
Entry Fees:
Children – $3 (Under three Years of Age are free)
Adults – $4
Days and Hours:
Mondays – Thursdays:
9 – 10 a.m. (Senior Splash/Lap Swim)
10 – 11 a.m. (Water Aerobics/Lap Swim)
10 a.m. – 1 p.m. (Youth Lessons/Lap Swim)
8 – 9 a.m. (Lap Swim/Open Swim)
9 – 10 a.m. (Water Aerobics/Lap Swim)
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. (Youth Lessons/Lap Swim)